About Libraries4DE

What is it?

Libraries for Digital Equity (Libraries4DE) is a free, collaborative newsletter meant to keep a diverse field of professionals up to date on news and trends from their colleagues across the nation. This is the place for practitioners to share, for innovators to dream, and for all of us to learn. Follow for the latest from great minds across the field.

Is this for me?

Yes! If you’ve gotten this far into reading the page, you are clearly interested in the work. There is no barrier for entry or minimum requirement before subscribing, and you don’t need your library’s permission to subscribe. This is for the people doing the work every day, and for the people dreaming of the day they get to do it. Whether you’re in a library right now or not, Libraries4DE means YOU.

What if my library isn’t involved with DE work?

Then your library might be waiting for a leader. You don’t have to be a supervisor or manager in order to be that leader. Management might mean you have direct reports, but leadership is something entirely different. It requires courage, enthusiasm, humility, and sincerity. True leaders are found at every level of an organization, including wherever you might be.

Being a leader means you have a vision for how the world can be, and you’re willing to mobilize the people around you to make it a reality. That’s crucial to digital inclusion work. We all need to lead where we stand.

Do you offer trainings?

Yes! Whether you want to start a new program or service, you’re poised for expansion, or you want to talk trends and predictions, Libraries for Digital Equity is available for speaking engagements and 1:1 sessions.

And watch the newsletter for free trainings! They really do happen.

Who runs this thing?

Definitely not a stack of raccoons in a trench coat. This legitimate organization is run by real people who exist on this planet. Check out the work of creator Liz Gabbitas on her website or LinkedIn, and contributing author Bernard Ino on his LinkedIn or Twitter.

Libraries4DE also thanks EveryLibrary Institute for their support as a founding partner and ongoing collaborator.

Don’t miss a thing.

Subscribe to the Libraries for Digital Equity newsletter to be the first to know about funding, trends, and exciting new work.